
sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013



Sabes, ontem, hoje e amanhã não existem realmente... o dia e a noite apenas se sucedem infinitamente. Quando estás sempre PRESENTE não há separação entre os dias, pois o momento é sempre o mesmo - é aquele em que ÉS. As ondas do mar também não deixam de ser mar por serem ondas ;)

Onde quero chegar com estas filosofias? Bem, primeiro, não são filosofias... são constatações da realidade que é para além da ilusão do que parece ser. E depois, se te permitires ficar apenas no momento, até que o ontem e o amanhã se desvaneçam, até que os dias sejam o dia, a tua VIDA passa a ter sentido constante e podes realmente desfrutar dela... não apenas passar por ela!

"Carpe diem" seria então "Carpe momentum"... E sabes o que Momentum significa? Para além de ser a raiz da palavra Momento, significa energia motriz, aquilo que põe algo em marcha. É a VIDA propriamente dita <3

You know, yesterday, today and tomorrow don’t really exist… day and night just fall upon each other in constant succession. When you are always PRESENT there is no separation between your days, for the moment is always the ONE – it is the ONE in which you ARE. It’s just like the waves of the ocean. They aren’t less of the ocean for being the waves that they are ;)

Where am I heading with these philosophies? Well, firstly, they aren’t philosophies… they are mere realizations of the reality that is beyond the illusion that seems to be. Secondly, if you allow yourself to stay only in the moment, until yesterday and tomorrow disappear, until the days become the DAY, your LIFE gains constant sense and purpose. That’s when you can fully enjoy it… not just pass by it!

“Carpe diem” would then be “Carpe momentum”… And I’m sure you know that other than being the latin root of the word Moment, momentum means the energy that sets things in motion. It is LIFE in itself <3

quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2013

I call it MAGIC!!!

I call it magic!!!

You might call it coincidence ;) I call it magic!!!

I call it magic when I am invited to lunch by dear friends and then the owner of the restaurant offers us raspberry liquor J

I call it magic when I invite a friend to lunch, we find another friend there and when I am about to pay the restaurant owner tells me that our friend, who has already left, has already paid for our lunch J

I call it magic when I invite my friends to lunch at my place and they all bring wine, cookies, cheese, ice cream, tea and more… you name it… so it’s not just lunch anymore, it’s a full blown party!!! J

I call it magic when I have been looking for the contact of a lady I need to speak to in order to organize an event at her venue, I go and say hi to a friend who invites me to have tea at a place where they probably know this lady, as I am leaving I ask the waiter if he has the lady’s contact and he just says “here she is! She has just come in!” to which the lady says “yes, I wasn’t going to come in but I just came to say hello J”. And that’s it. I organize the event in a flash.

I call it magic when a friend comes to have a Conscious Breath session and brings me fresh fruit J

I call it magic when I have been working with an English student for the past month preparing his presentation of two new boxes at an International Innovative Design Contest and he calls me from Madrid saying he has won the first prize for both his products! J

I call it magic when I have been revising a project for sustainable road building in Vietnam, with another English student of mine and he comes the following class and says it’s been approved.

I call it magic when people come in to train for a job interview in English and time and again they get the job!

I call it magic when I am thinking of remaking all of my book covers as well as some of the graphic design of the contents and the most fabulous graphics designer stumbles on my path.

I call it magic when I am looking for someone to make a Conscious Breath CD with me and not one but two fabulous people stumble on my path, and we not only make a CD but create a Conscious Breath Meditative Concerts and Workshops group called ReamaHara.

I call it magic when I have the privilege share so much love in my life that there is no separation between me and the rest of my reality.

I call it magic when I am falling into bankruptcy at an hallucinating speed and all of a sudden an unexpected inheritance changes it all.

I call it magic when I want to sell my house, but instead someone stops at the door offering to rent it and I say YES because I actually have a house to move into for free!

I call it magic when I choose to exchange my car for a more economic one and pay off the loan and my mother gives me hers and buys a new one for herself, and since it is the company’s car all of the car’s expenses (petrol, toll fees, mechanic, insurance) are paid for by the company as well as the rest of the loan.

I call it magic when I would like to have a book translated into Spanish and two friends offer to do so without me asking for it!

I call it magic when a friend calls just to say I LOVE YOU and wish me a Magic day… and then I call it even more magic when several friends do so along the same day… every day!

I call it magic when someone asks for help to resolve an issue, be it emotional, economical, physical, spiritual and with just a few words and all my love the situation slowly (sometimes fast!) and surely takes a 180º turn and everything magically resolves effortlessly.

I call it magic when someone reads one of my books and their whole life changes for the better, which happens quite often.

I call it magic when someone comes to one of my workshops and after just 3 days is completely transformed into the most beautiful reflexion of one’s authentic self.

I call it magic when someone comes for Integration and finds the LOVE within and wins 2000€ on the instant lottery right after the session :) 

I call it magic when I need to buy a pair of trousers and someone gives them to me. This happens repeatedly with all sorts of things.

I call it magic when I meet someone, many people who speak the same language as me and we can share ourselves with nothing to hide.

I call it magic when I choose to get a new mobile phone and I get a message from a friend saying he is buying a new one and will sell me his for a very low price, and then another friend wants this mobile phone which is more advanced than his, so I get to keep his which is more than advanced enough for my technological expertise… for free (he pays for the other phone ;) )

I call it magic when everyone is telling me that the lady I have rented the house to is all sorts of things and is not going to pay, I ignore this and tell her I don’t care about the stories she has or not with others, all I care about is the story we are going to create together and she is so grateful that my house is in being taken excellent care of and the rent never fails.

I call it magic when I listen to my heart and even though what it’s telling me sometimes seems impossible, I go ahead and follow it and it never ever fails!

I call it magic when I walk through the streets anywhere and see art in every creation.

I call it magic when I love each person that passes by and my heart is always filled with permanent boundless joy.

I call it magic when I do an Integration Session with a friend in need which I offer as a gift and she brings me a bottle of the exact shampoo I needed to buy ;)

I call it magic when one week I say to my kids "we are going to Disneyland this year" and the following week grandmother comes to me saying she wants to offer the three of us a trip to Disneyland as a birthday present. And even further magic when the only dates available are exactly on the weekend of my birthday!!!

I call it magic when I smile and people smile back. Simply...

And so on and so on and so on….

I call LIFE MAGIC and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

P.S - And here is the link for the most magical show I have seen in a long long time. It is called Disney Dreams and was created for Disneyland's 20th anniversary. I had the privilege of watching it live twice when I was there last September and to me it is just living proof that Dreams really do come true, for all of the creative inspiration that was put into its conception and materialization. 

With Love / Com Amor

Hoje, quando olhares ao teu redor, delicia-te com os pequenos nadas que tudo formam... e sorri por poderes VER e SENTIR tamanha bênção :) <3

Com Amor 

T. C. Aeelah Livro sobre o Amor / Book about Love (facebook link)


Today, when you look around you, relish in the small nothings that give shape to everything... and smile for being able so SEE and FEEL such blessings :) <3

With Love
 T.c. Aeelah (facebook link)

segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013

O mar... e o amar :)

O mar... e o amar :) (português and English)

E como se não bastasse a abundância de beleza durante todo o fim de semana, esta manhã no caminho de regresso ainda recebi este presente (Praia de S. Torpes - Sudoeste Alentejano)... ai como me apeteceu mergulhar neste mar sereno... mas como não foi possível mergulhar no mar lá fora, e como afinal de contas é um reflexo perfeito do mar cá dentro, deixei-me ficar no meu próprio mar, grata pela Vida que me abençoa em cada respiração  E cá estou, de volta a Tomar, esta linda cidade onde não há mar lá fora, mas há Amor em todo o lado!!!    hehe


The sea... and LOVE 

And as if the abundance of beauty during the whole weekend hadn't been enough already, this morning, on my way back, I still received this gift (S. Torpes beach - Alentejo's Southwestern coast)... oh how I felt like diving into this serene sea... but as it was not possible to dive into the sea out there, and as it is but a perfect reflexion of the sea within, I just basked in my own ocean, grateful for this Life that blesses me with each breath I take :) And here I am, back in Tomar, this beautiful town where there is no sea outside, but where there is Love everywhere!!! <3 <3 <3 hehe

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

A dádiva escondida / The hidden gift

A dádiva escondida /The hidden gift

As dádivas que a Vida distribui são sem dúvida abundantes. No entanto, para que as vejamos temos por vezes que saltar para o desconhecido e descobrir o tesouro que ele nos reserva.

The gifts that Life gives forth are abundant beyond doubt. Nevertheless, for us to see them we sometimes have to jump into the unknown in order to discover the treasure it holds for us. 

Foi o que ocorreu comigo numa situação que poderá à primeira vista suscitar uma série de julgamentos menos positivos. Escolhi aceitar o desafio em vez de lutar contra a corrente.

This is what happened to me in a situation which could at first sight bring up a hoard of less positive judgements. I chose to accept the challenge instead of fighting upstream. 

Refiro-me a algo que ainda não te contei, mas que agora aqui partilho.

I am referring to something I have not told you about yet but which I now share. 

Em Março deste ano o pai do meu filho, Samuel, do qual me separei há 2 anos, decidiu ir viver para o Alentejo. Sendo que vivo em Tomar, trata-se de cerca de 300 km de distância. Uma vez que temos um filho em comum, pôs-se imediatamente a questão do exercício do poder paternal. Sendo que a criança tinha na altura 5 anos, assumiu-se que ficaria comigo. Não obstante, à medida que se aproximava a época das matrículas no novo ano letivo, o pai foi manifestando a sua vontade de inscrever o menino na escola primária no Alentejo, uma vez que sentia muito a sua falta e não consegui vislumbrar viver longe dele vendo-o apenas alguns fins de semana por mês e nas férias. Poderíamos colocar a questão ao contrário. Ou seja, poderia eu ter a mesma postura. Mas decidi desafiar-me a mim mesma a largar o apego de mãe e a aceitar que além de meu filho, o Samuel é, acima de tudo um Ser Humano, único, com um percurso único, com propósitos que só a si pertencem, com experiências para vivenciar cujo alcance escapam às nossas limitações. Sendo que o menino adora praia, que a escola que iria frequentar tem um programa integrado com o núcleo Waldorf do Algarve, que muito me apela, que o lugar para onde se propunha ir viver é de facto um lugar calmo e apropriado para criar um filho, que este mesmo filho tem também as suas vivências a cumprir com o seu pai e vice versa e que o meu coração abarca toda a humanidade como uma família só, permiti-me aceitar o fluxo da menor resistência, da não luta, do não drama e deixei que a Vida me mostrasse a dádiva escondida neste desafio. Foi um momento que me fez estremecer o coração, que me abanou toda e qualquer estrutura, mas que por outro lado senti como “certo” – como o caminho a seguir neste momento que traria o melhor proveito para todos, seja o que isso for.

In March this year, my son Samuel's father, whom I separated from two years ago, decided to go and live in the Alentejo (Portugal). Since I live in Tomar (Portugal), this meant about 300 km away. Considering we have had a son together, the issue of whom the child was to live with naturally arose. As the child was 5 years old at the time, it was assumed that the child would live with me. Notwithstanding, the time for primary school registration came closer and closer and Samuel's father started to manifest his wish to register him in the town where he is now living, since he missed him a lot and could not stand the prospect of living far from him only seeing him every other weekend and during school holidays. We could however turn the issue around. In other words, I could be feeling the same way. But I decided to challenge myself to release the attachment to motherhood and to accept that other than being my son, Samuel is, above all, a unique Human Being, with a unique path to follow, with his very own purposes, with a choice of experiences which our limitations fail to comprehend. As the child loves the sea, the school has an integrated Waldorf programme which I highly approve of, the place where he is intended to live is very calm and appropriate for raising a child, he has his own experiences to fulfill with his father and vice versa, and my heart withholds the whole of humanity as a family in itself - I allowed myself to accept the path of least resistance, of no fight and no drama and I allowed Life to show me the hidden gift inside this challenge. It was a moment that made my heart shudder, that rattled any and all possible structures, but which I felt as the "right" thing to do - I saw it as the path which would bring the richest experience to all, whatever that may be. 

E eis que ao deixar-me surpreender pela mágica abundância de Ser Inteira tenho descoberto inúmeros tesouros escondidos. De 15 em 15 dias tenho oportunidade de passar um fim de semana absolutamente especial (como são aliás todos os meus dias!) em que visito lugares lindos com os meus filhos (a Diva e o Samuel) e em que partilhamos tempo de muita qualidade, em Presença total e com absoluta Alegria. É uma overdose de AMOR que me traz lágrimas de gratidão e sorrisos plenos de tudo. Não me parece que tenha tido até agora tanto tempo verdadeiramente disponível para desfrutar de tantos momentos especiais com estes seres especiais que me enchem o coração. E mais: a minha mãe também vem desfrutar destes momentos criando laços de forte amor e compreensão em que a partilha assume proporções que nunca imaginei possíveis. Por outro lado, o pai do Samuel tem tido oportunidade de evoluir imenso como pai e como homem. Vejo ambos, o Samuel e o pai, a crescerem em sentidos que de outra forma não seriam possíveis.

And thus, by letting myself be surprised by the magic abundance of Being Whole, I have discovered numerous hidden treasures. Every other week I have the opportunity of spending an absolutely special weekend (as in fact are all of my days!). I get to visit beautiful places with my children (Diva and Samuel) where we share high quality time, in total Presence and absolute Joy. It is an overdose of LOVE which brings me tears of gratitude and smiles of fulfilment. It seems like I had never had so much authentic time to truly enjoy so many special moments with these special Beings that overflow in my heart. And more: my mother also comes along to revel in these moments, creating strong bonds of love and understanding where sharing assumes proportions I had never imagined possible. On the other hand, Samuel's father has had the opportunity to evolve immensely both as a father and as a man. I see both of them, father and son, growing in new directions which wouldn't have been possible in other circumstances. 

Estou por isso infinitamente grata. Grata por tudo. Grata também por todo o tempo extra que tenho ao longo da semana, o que me permite estar presente na Vida de tantas outras pessoas com quem partilho também o meu Amor total, em serviço à Vida, em serviço ao SER pleno que tudo permeia.

I am therefore infinitely grateful. Grateful for everything. Grateful also for all of the extra time I have during the week, which allows me to be present in the lives of so many other people whom I share my total Love with as well, in service to Love, in service to the Isness everywhere. 

O Samuel trouxe-me tanta abundância com todos estes desafios que nem sei como expressar por palavras como lhe estou grata.

Samuel has brought me so much abundance with all of these challenges that I have no words to express how grateful I am to him. 

E saudades? Perguntas se tenho saudades. Vou ser honesta contigo. Não, não tenho saudades. Não sei neste momento da minha vida o que são saudades. Não sei porque vivo plenamente cada instante e estou inteira em cada momento. O que estava antes e o que vem depois não importa. Não fico agarrada a nada. Não crio expetativas sobre nada. Desfruto apaixonadamente de cada respiração que tomo. Não me falta nada. Nunca. Mesmo nada. Vivo em plenitude. E isso basta-se a si mesmo. Apenas a Gratidão é permanente, o Amor é permanente, a Alegria é permanente. Não olho para o que não tenho pois isso é apenas ilusório. Tenho tudo o que preciso sempre porque aceito e me sinto abençoada com tudo. Logo não há em mim conceito de falta. E por isso estou grata. Por tudo estou grata.

And do I miss him? You ask. I shall be honest with you. No, I don't miss him. At this moment in my life I know not what missing is. I don't know because I live each instant fully and I am complete within each moment. What was before and what comes next no longer matters. I hold onto nothing. I create no expectations towards absolutely anything. I passionately bask in each breath I take. There is nothing missing. Ever. Absolutely nothing. I live in Wholeness. And that is enough. All there is is permanent Gratitude, permanent Love, permanent Joy. I don't look at what I don't have because that is a mere illusion. I have everything I could possibly need always because I accept and feel blessed with everything. Hence there is no concept of lack in me. And I thus I am grateful. For everything, I am grateful. 

Aqui ficam algumas fotos tiradas durante este fim de semana… mais um dos fins de semana mágicos com o Samuel e com a minha mãe… A Diva ficou a estudar ;) Sopro-te um lufada de Plenitude e abraço-te com Alegria! A Vida é de facto completa quando fluímos na sua corrente ao invés de lutarmos contra o seu curso de eterna mudança.

I leave you with some photos I took this weekend... yet another of these magic weekends with Samuel and my mum... Diva stayed at home to study ;) I blow you a breath of Fulfilment and I hug you in Joy! Life is in fact complete when we flow with it instead of fighting against its river of constant change.  

sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Dealing with SADNESS

Dealing with SADNESS

As with so many other emotions, when we feel it, we tend to run away from it. From sadness, I mean.

The point is, there is nothing to run away from for if you feel it there are only two options: either it is yours, or it is someone else’s emotions you are feeling. Anyhow, if you feel it and it affects you, then, even if it’s someone else’s sadness, there is also something of it in you. Everything that pushes your buttons, even when it seems to be an outside influence, is yours. No point beating around the bush about this.

Ok. So it’s yours. Now how do you choose to deal with it? Do you choose to ignore it by trying to get distracted with other occupations? Do you choose to get carried away by it forgetting all about who it is you are in the midst of all of that sadness?

I have another suggestion. Dive into it… but don’t get lost in it. When deep sadness arises, allow yourself the time to feel it, to cry it out for as long as you need to, to feel all of its nuances and layers, to fall through these layers going deeper and deeper into it. Nevertheless, keep the notion of your firm Presence, experiencing this sadness with consciousness of it. This time stay focused, observing yourself in the midst of the sadness, but knowing you are not it. The sadness is something you are feeling, not something you are. Releasing the need to identify with it helps you stand firm, so that you can release it by diving into it, rather than getting carried away by it. You will be amazed at how much you discover about yourself by allowing this experience fully. And you will be amazed at your strength as well. The best part, though, is the speed at which it is possible to release these layers of sadness when you dive completely into them. You shall reach a point where there is no more sadness, a neutral point of utter peace. That’s when you will know that this sadness is resolved. Not temporarily. Permanently. I do not mean that you shall never feel sadness again. What I mean is that this specific kind of sadness you felt and dived into shall never come to pass again, because you have felt it, understood it and integrated it through your acceptance of it, through your compassion for you. And yes, sooner or later there shall come a point when you shall feel no more sadness. When you become fully integrated this shall happen. 100% guaranteed. Meanwhile keep on diving, allowing, feeling, staying Present.

How do you stay Present in the midst of sadness?  You breathe. Consciously. Deeply. Focusing on the space at the bottom of your belly. Your gravity centre. Your actual centre of Self. You stay there throughout the whole experience. Breathing deeply, through the nose. Allowing. Being.

The same goes for all other kinds of emotions. Don’t run away! Dive! ;)

quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2013



Emoções. Empurram-nos. Puxam-nos. Levam-nos a reboque dos seus caprichos… se deixarmos.
Convido-te a ampliar a tua perspetiva e: a AMARES-TE <3

Cada emoção que te puxa para o desequilíbrio é uma auto-agressão que te leva a despender quantidades exorbitantes de energia que poderia ser-te muito mais útil na criação da vida que achas que queres. Digo “que achas”, porque se ainda estás a criar o oposto é porque na verdade é isso que ainda queres e não o que achas que queres (uma vida melhor, mais tranquila, mais harmoniosa e equilibrada…etc…etc…etc).
Como lidar então com as emoções que te afogam nos seus devaneios?

Primeiro: trata de ficar PRESENTE. Presente no Corpo. Presente em Ti. Presente Aqui. Presente Agora. Toma algumas respirações profundas e suaves (pelo nariz), até ao fundo da barriga, retornando ao teu centro. O teu centro situa-se exatamente no centro do teu corpo, no lugar a que se designa de centro de gravidade, algures abaixo do umbigo (o lugar exato varia de pessoa para pessoa). Permite-te ficar nesse centro e ganhar perspetiva. Permite-te sentir o conforto, a leveza e suavidade que aí existe. Permite-te receber o carinho de poder ficar no terno regaço da tua Essência, que aí habita. Permite-te perceber até que ponto estás/estavas dentro do corpo, fora do corpo ou nem dentro nem fora!

E as emoções?

Elas lá estão. Debitando os seus discursos. Tentando convencer-te da sua verdade. Tentando puxar-te para os seus jogos.

E tu? Tu ficas, quieto/a, calado/a, lá no teu centro, respirando. Sem lutar. Sem discutir. Sem tentar provar nada. Neutro/a. Em Compaixão por essas partes de ti. Mostrando-lhes que não vais mais jogar esse jogo. Mostrando-lhes o que ÉS. Mostrando-lhes onde estás e convidando-as a virem conhecer esse Espaço também – no teu centro. Sem empurrar. Sem forçar. Apenas ficando. Mostrando pelo exemplo. Com Aspetos (que são os que criam emoções em ti) não há conversas bem sucedidas. Podes no entanto ouvi-los, sem ir atrás deles. Deixar que se expressem, sem julgar, sem assumir uma posição, sem ter que responder. Apenas ficando, quieto/a, sereno/a, no teu centro. Gradualmente a emoção dilui-se nesse lago de Serenidade que ÉS. Desaparece. Deixa de ter propósito. Rende-se. E tu ficas mais e mais inteiro/a.

A isto chama-se largar o DRAMA e é assim. Simples. Experimenta… Com Amor.

terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Problem?! What Problem?

Problem?! What Problem?

I would like to share with you a new perspective on what one usually calls “problems”.

I invite you to visualize your reality as one entire unit, from which you are not separate. Not even the limits of your body separate you from the rest of your reality. The air that you breathe is one with your body, connecting you to everything else. You are the air that you breathe and you are everything else as well. When you stop separating yourself from your reality, your perspective inevitably changes. It is no longer the bad and the wrong outside that are giving you “problems”, it is the way you are perceiving yourself living.

Inside or outside of your reality? This is the main question. Being in it, in the same way as being in your body, gives you the power to change whatever doesn’t suit your current life choices. It is only inside your reality that you can mould and reshape it. If you are outside of it, separate from it, how can you even touch it?

Suddenly what seemed to be a problem is just one of the many ways you are experiencing life. Experiences do not need to be resolved. They are just experiences. They can, however, be changed. Once you are no longer worrying about the solution to a problem which does not exist as such, the question becomes: how do you choose to take care of you, to nurture you, to cherish you in this situation that you choose to change? How much do you allow yourself to receive (the people, the places, the resources, the events and circumstances) which will bring you the change you have chosen? How far are you willing to let go of the issue and melt into the ocean that you are, with nowhere to hold onto?

Let go of the boundaries that separate you. Then change can happen.

You, and as a consequence your reality, are like the ocean. You are an ocean. It sometimes has waves, sometimes just ripples, other times it is a calm undulating vastness. You are none of that. You are the ocean itself. You are not the waves that happen in the ocean. You are not what the ocean has. You are what the ocean is. Does the ocean run away from the waves? Or does it embrace them?

Embrace everything in your reality. Thus you will see that in the Love of all that You Are, Life changes into the reflexion of how much you are willing to Love, instead of being a reflexion of how much you are willing to fear.

No problem. No solution. Nothing to resolve. Just the Love to BE. This is why we say the solution is contained in the problem itself. They are one and the same thing. In other words, they are not. You ARE.

If all of this seems too strange to grasp, I invite you to read. Then let go and allow yourself to feel the wisdom behind the words. It is the language of your heart, not the language of your head that will translate this for you J

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013


It’s true!!! Life is purely magnificent! YESSSSSSSS! 


É verdade!!! A Vida é puramente magnífica! SIIIIIIIIIM!

domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

Channeling Overdose (English /Português)

Channeling Overdose

In all of my Gratitude to all of the channelers who have so far brought Light to my path, reminding me of Who I Am I now share with all of you a new perspective.

Channeling is useful, it is a wonderful tool of expanded consciousness, it is a stepping stone. It is not, however the ultimate potential you can achieve. In order to achieve your ultimate potential even channeling must be released, in absolute love and gratitude. For there comes a time on your path when in order to assume your full Mastery there can be no ONE in between. It is just you with your Self. It is not about the trust you place on what other Masters are telling you. It is about the trust you place on what the God within you is telling you. It is about the total surrender to this God and only this ONE. There is no other. Only then can you realise we are all the ONE. 100% trust means letting go of absolutely everything other than the total fusion with your Essence, knowing that YOU know the answers for all of the questions you have ever asked and you have the keys to all of the doors you have ever locked.

Could you imagine Tobias channeling Adamus, or vice versa? Could you imagine Osho channeling anyone, or Mooji, or Buda, or Yeshua, or Mary Magdalene? They Are that they ARE. They might share and discuss Isness with each other, of course. It’s part of being the total Love that we Are. They might even consider doing things in new ways as a result of these events of Love sharing. They would, however, never surrender their choices to any other than their own GOD Essence.

So why do they talk through people? Well, because we have trouble listening to our own hearts!!! It is much easier to get the message through to us through someone else, than in the silence of our own hearts, for doubt has a very candid way of destroying our self-confidence and of questioning whether we are capable of getting the message right ourselves. They talk to all of us when we choose to talk to them. But not all of us accept to listen. This means that these people who choose to create a channeling partnership with any of the Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels are offering great service to humanity, of course. But in order for them too to become fully enlightened/integrated, there will come a moment when they will also have to release channeling and speak their own wisdom. For has not Adamus repeated constantly that only a Master is of true service? And in order to become a Master the whole concept of service needs to be released as well? Only when we release it do we achieve it completely. And channelers are as entitled as everyone else to their own Ascension, if they have so chosen. They will however not plunge into it without releasing the very thing that has brought them to make that choice J

All tools of consciousness expansion are precious. They are all temporary as well. They serve a purpose up to a certain point on our paths but for their purpose to come to fruition they have to be released. It is in the silence of who you are that you bloom into this realization.

When a channeler releases channeling, the Masters he/she has been channeling don’t stop giving support and bringing their advice. They simply do it one on one, as you allow yourself to listen.

I cannot even begin to say how much Tobias, Adamus, Kuthumi, Kwan Yin and quite a few others have helped me BE. There were however times when for example Adamus was telling me to do things in a certain way and my own Essence, Aeelah, was suggesting a different way to achieve the same outcome. In other words, we agreed upon the outcome, we agreed that change was necessary in order to achieve this outcome, what we did not entirely agree upon was the way to bring about change. I did what Aeelah told me. Adamus was there every step of the way anyway, supporting me in my trust of Aeelah. And it worked out perfectly. Adamus then celebrated with me and said “see, your wisdom is enough to get you anywhere you choose to BE, no matter what any of us says ;)”. I cried with the power of his Love at that moment.

In November 2011, Master Nada (I usually call her Lady Nada), who had been by my side for a long time already, invited me to blend with Her, so that we could create a Human Aspect of Her, allowing Her to be Here on Earth at this very auspicious time. Actually in his farewell speech, Tobias had already mention that this would happen with many of us, that many Masters would want to come back and be here in the New Energy but that they would not come in the old way of being born through a mother, but rather come through us, if we accepted to walk together. Well, I accepted. We blended. I asked her why an Ascended Master like her would choose someone like me to blend with, considering she was so pure and I was so earthly. She explained to me that that was exactly the point. In all of her lifetimes on Earth she had never got to experience life as intensely as I did, so blending with Aeelah was a perfect way for her to evolve as well, for consciousness never stops evolving. She was pure silence – NO-THING-ness, complete Compassion, Serene Love. Aeelah was pure passion, the joyful expression of life’s colourful profusion, intense creative power. We were the perfect inspiration for each other – making me softer and her more intense J So we have been blended ever since and the one thing She has never wanted is to be channeled. Even when I didn’t know about it She knew that it would hold me back from assuming myself entirely. She also prefers to come close to people in the silent embrace of her all encompassing Love. She does speak through me many times, however, together with Aeelah, but needs not to be mentioned. We wrote “Not Just another Book About Love – THE BOOK about LOVE” together. It was a huge learning experience for me and each time I read it I gain new insights into the depths of what we have come to call Love.

When I finally fell completely into myself (that’s the best way I can describe enlightenment/full integration) I did so in total trust and surrender to Aeelah. This happened in April this year. Nada is still here, of course. Always. And we are fully enjoying the absolute abundance of Life together, as One, though each One as their own One as well. This is not something to be explained, just felt.

And so my dear fellow travel companion channelers, when the day comes that you feel in your hear it is time to release channeling, do so in complete gratitude for all you have learnt and shared with this magnificent experience and move on into yet further depths of Isness. To those who depend on the messages channeled by others, do not fear. The Masters, Angels, Archangels are always by your side and will always speak to you, through your heart. The question is, do you trust yourself? Do you trust you Essence? Do you listen to what the God within you is telling you? No question of yours goes unanswered though the answer may come in the many forms.

What about instead of giving answers a Master would rather ask questions for you to find your own answers? It has worked for me and I am grateful for all of the times my question was answered with yet another question for it made me trust! Of course I get direct answers as well. But all in all what happens as our consciousness expands into enlightenment is that one stops asking questions because the answer is directly there ;)

I hug you and celebrate you home as we celebrate New Energy together! J <3

T. C. Aeelah


Em toda a minha Gratidão a todos os “canalizadores” que têm trazido Luz ao meu caminho, recordando-me de Quem Eu Sou, partilho agora convosco uma nova perspetiva.

A “canalização” é útil, é uma ferramenta maravilhosa de consciência expandida, é um marco no nosso caminho evolutivo. Contudo, não é o máximo potencial que se pode alcançar. Para que possas alcançar o teu máximo potencial até mesmo a “canalização” tem que ser libertada, em completo amor e gratidão. Quando chega o momento no nosso caminho de assumir a Mestria total não pode haver intermediários. Trata-se apenas de ti com o teu Ser. Não se trata da confiança que colocas no que os outros Mestres te estão a dizer. Trata-se da confiança que colocas no que o Deus em ti te está a dizer. Trata-se de uma rendição total a este Deus e apenas a este. Não há outro. É apenas nesse instante que podes “perceber” que somos todos o UM. Confiança a 100% significa largar absolutamente tudo, exceto a fusão total com a tua Essência, sabendo que TU sabes as respostas para todas as perguntas que jamais perguntaste e que TU tens a chave para todas as portas que jamais trancaste.

Conseguirias imaginar Tobias a canalizar Adamus, ou vice-versa? Poderias imaginar Osho a canalizar alguém, ou  Mooji, ou Buda, ou Yeshua, ou Maria Madalena? Eles São O Que Eles São. Poderão partilhar e discutir o Ser uns com os outros, claro. Faz parte de serem o Amor  total que todos somos. Até poderão considerar fazer as coisas de formas diferentes como resultado destes eventos de partilha de Amor. No entanto nenhum deles renderia as suas escolhas a qualquer outro Deus senão à sua própria Essência Divina.
Então porque falam eles através das pessoas? Bem, porque temos dificuldade em ouvir os nosso próprios corações!!! É muito mais fácil passar-nos a mensagem através de outro alguém, do que através do silêncio dos nossos próprios corações, pois a dúvida tem uma forma muito cândida de destruir a nossa autoconfiança e de fazer-nos questionar se somos capazes de perceber a mensagem por nós próprios. Os Mestres falam com todos nós se escolhermos falar com eles. Mas nem todos nós aceitamos ouvir. Isto significa que estas pessoas que escolhem criar uma parceria de canalização com os Mestres Ascensos, Anjos, Arcanjos estão a prestar um enorme serviço à humanidade. Mas para que eles também possam integrar-se/iluminar-se totalmente, chegará um momento em que também eles terão que libertar a canalização e falar a sua própria sabedoria. Não tem Adamus repetido constantemente que apenas um Mestre pode realmente prestar serviço? E que para que nos tornemos Mestres, todo o conceito de serviço tem que ser libertado também? Apenas quando o libertamos, conseguimos realizá-lo completamente. E os “canalizadores” têm tanto direito como todos os outros à sua própria Ascensão, se assim o tiverem escolhido. No entanto não mergulharão nela sem largar a própria ferramenta que os levou a fazer essa escolha J

Todas as ferramentas de expansão de consciência são preciosas. Todas elas são também temporárias. Servem um propósito até determinado ponto no nosso caminho, mas para que o seu propósito dê os seus frutos têm que ser libertadas. É no silêncio de quem és que expandes para a tua própria realização enquanto Ser.

Não posso nem definir o quanto Tobias, Adamus, Kuthumi, Kwan Yin, Kryon e bastantes outros me têm ajudado a Ser. Houve no entanto momentos em que por exemplo Adamus me estava a dizer para fazer as coisas de determinada maneira e a minha própria Essência, Aeelah, estava a sugerir uma forma diferente para conseguir o mesmo resultado. Por outras palavras, estávamos de acordo quanto ao resultado, quanto à necessidade de mudança para poder chegar a esse resultado, mas não estávamos inteiramente de acordo sobre a forma para encetar essa mudança. Fiz o que a Aeelah me aconselhou. Adamus ficou sempre do meu lado, todos os passos do caminho, dando-me suporte na minha confiança em Aeelah. E funcionou perfeitamente. E eis que Adamus celebrou comigo dizendo-me “vês, a tua sabedoria chega para te levar onde escolheres estar, não importa o que nós te digamos;)”. Chorei com a intensidade do seu Amor naquele momento.

Em Novembro de 2011, a Mestre Nada (a quem geralmente chamo de Lady Nada), que havia estado a meu lado há já algum tempo, convidou-me a fundir-me com Ela, para que pudéssemos criar um Aspeto Humano dela, permitindo-lhe estar Aqui na Terra nestes tempos auspiciosos. Na verdade, no seu discurso de despedida, Tobias referiu que isto aconteceria com muitos de nós, que muitos Mestres quereriam voltar e estar aqui na Nova Energia mas que não viriam da forma antiga, através da barriga de uma mãe. Viriam através de nós, se aceitássemos caminhar juntos. Bem, aceitei. Fundimo-nos. Perguntei-lhe porque uma Mestre Ascensa como ela escolheria alguém como eu com quem se fundir, considerando que ela era tão pura e eu tão mundana. Ela explicou-me que era mesmo disso que se tratava. Em todas as suas vidas na Terra Ela nunca tinha experienciado a vida de forma tão intensa como eu, por isso fundir-se com a Aeelah foi a forma perfeita para Ela evoluir também, pois a consciência nunca para de evoluir. Ela era puro silêncio – Nada, completa Compaixão, Amor Sereno. Aeelah, por sua vez, era pura paixão, a alegre expressão da vida em colorida profusão, intenso poder criativo J Por isso temos estado fundidas desde então, mas a única coisa que Ela nunca quis foi ser canalizada. Mesmo quando eu não o sabia, Ela sabia que isso me impediria de me assumir inteiramente. Ela também prefere aproximar-se das pessoas no abraço silencioso do seu Amor incondicional. Ela fala através de mim muitas vezes, junto com a Aeelah, mas não precisa de ser mencionada. Escrevemos “Não Apenas mais um Livro sobre o Amor – O LIVRO sobre O AMOR” em conjunto. Foi uma experiência de enorme aprendizagem para mim e de cada vez que leio o livro ganho novos insights sobre a profundidade desta coisa a que viemos a chamar Amor.

Quando finalmente caí completamente em mim mesma (é a melhor forma que encontro para descrever a iluminação/integração total), fi-lo em total confiança e entrega a Aeelah. Isto aconteceu em Abril deste ano. Lady Nada continua aqui, claro. Sempre. E estamos a divertir-nos imenso com a absoluta abundância da Vida em conjunto, como Um, embora cada Um/a faça a experiência como o Um que é. Não é algo que se explique, apenas pode ser sentido.

Por isso meus caros companheiros de viagem “canalizadores”, quando o dia chegar em que sintam no vosso coração que chegou a hora para libertar a canalização, façam-no em completa gratidão para com tudo o que aprenderam e partilharam através desta magnífica experiência e sigam adiante, mergulhando ainda mais profundamente no vosso Ser. A todos aqueles que dependem das mensagens canalizadas por outros, não temam. Os Mestres, Anjos, Arcanjos, estão sempre ao vosso lado e falarão sempre convosco, através do vosso próprio coração. A questão é: confias em ti? Confias na tua Essência? Ouves o que o Deus em ti te está a dizer? Nenhuma questão tua fica sem resposta, mas ela pode vir sob muitas formas.

E se em vez de vos darem respostas os Mestres vos fizessem perguntas para que vocês próprios pudessem encontrar as respostas? Funcionou para mim e estou muito grata por todos os momentos em que uma pergunta minha foi respondida com outra questão. Isso fez-me confiar. Claro que obtenho respostas diretas também. Mas de todas as formas, o que ocorre conforme a nossa consciência se expande na iluminação é que paramos de fazer perguntas porque as respostas já lá estão todas ;)

Abraço-vos e celebro-vos de volta a casa, conforme celebramos a Nova Energia em conjunto! J <3

sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013

The SUN that you ARE / O SOL que ÉS

The SUN that you ARE / O SOL que ÉS

Shine dear one, shine like the Sun that you Are… Shine through every pore… Burn your light in the wake of your passage and indeed BE all you have ever wished for ;)


Brilha meu amor, brilha tal como o Sol que És… Brilha por todos os poros… Tatua a tua luz por onde passas e Sê tudo o que sempre desejaste ;)

sexta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2013

Life is sweet...

Life is sweet…

It’s been a long time since I’ve shared personal experiences on my blog… so here goes ;)

This morning I woke up with Gratitude. As usual. And I shared it first thing in the morning, with a lady who came for Integration. She was hiding in such a deep, black hole inside of her that she just couldn’t see how abundant her life is! I shared with her, with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face: “do you realise how beautiful you are? Have you looked around you lately to see, really see, all that you have in your life? People who love you and care about you, a wonderful house, a huge garden… everything. You have it all. Invite your Essence to come and be here with you. Your Essence will help you to see. Your Essence will fill you with Gratitude”. This lady is a very strong woman, you know. She’s been there for everyone all her life. But she’d completely forgotten about herself. So her whole body and mind just decided to hibernate! She had a breakdown and collapsed and was now in fear of coming out of that hiding place, lest others come and fill her with their burdens yet again. “No my love. Now it is time for you. It is time for you to learn to receive. It is time for you to finally know what it is you want for you, what it is you’d like to do with your time, with your life! Allow yourself to receive and learn how to say “no” to what doesn’t feel ok for you. Learn to respect yourself and above all be patient with yourself. You know about patience. You have been patient with others all your life. Now it’s time to be patient with you”. It’s as if a ray of recognition shined through the darkness as she understood that she no longer has to fight! It was precious, this experience of Love and Gratitude between us, and though it is very intimate, the reason I am sharing just a few milestones of this Integration session is for you to participate in my day right from the beginning J

Then I went to the market. I feel like eating fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts and dried fruits of all kinds. I feel like eating wholesome, light food that doesn’t take eternities to digest. And so I “danced” along the street, quite happy with my endeavor. On the way my Essence came up with this quote which I loved and shared earlier today on the blog: “When you are asking for cherries and life brings you peaches… Accept the gift. ..You might find out that they taste delicious ;)”

Not that I was asking for anything in particular. I was simply loving each moment of being alive. But yes, I did and do accept the invitation to be totally flexible and accept each gift as the blessing that it IS.

Well, just an hour later I was invited for lunch. It was a very unconventional lunch though. A friend of mine has been coaxing me to come and try this for a few months already so today I went. And had a nutritious shake and a delicious tea for lunch!!! And I loved it ;)

At work, a student of mine baked a chocolate cake and brought it for the class to taste. It was delicious as well.

And then, as if the day hadn’t already been filled with sweet moments of love shared, a student in another class decided to bring some traditional cakes his housekeeper had made for him to take to work and a bottle of homemade Port wine!!! I had never drunk homemade Port wine and in my 18 years of teaching English it is the first time a student brings an alcoholic drink to share in class, let alone to share in the middle of class ;) It was exquisite! It was by far the best Port wine I have ever tasted and the cakes… they were divine! It was all made and brought with such love that it tasted absolutely special.

How could I be other than in a state of complete surrender to Life, in absolute Gratitude for it all?

I repeat a thousand fold: THANK YOU!

Receive / Recebe

Receive / Recebe

When you are asking for cherries and life offers you peaches... Accept the gift... You might find out that they taste delicious! ;)


Quando estás a pedir cerejas e a vida te oferece pêssegos... Aceita a dádiva... Pode ser que descubras que afinal são deliciosos! ;)

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013




Hoje fiz amor com o mar. Toda a noite ouvi o seu sussurro chamando-me, convidando-me, despertando-me suavemente. “Vem, vem fundir-te comigo gota de luz, em Amor seremos Um com toda a existência. Vem…”
Despertei para uma manhã amena, com os bons dias do sol docemente a beijar-me o rosto. E lá estava o mar. Onda sobre onda rolando tranquilo pela areia adentro. Onda sobre onda chamando. “Vem…”
Impelida pelo êxtase da Vida… fui, corri para o mar. De braços abertos recebi as ondas que meigas me abraçavam as pernas. Pés na areia macia, perdi-me na Alegria deste reencontro, sem tempo, ilimitado momento de irrestrita paixão. Saltitando, correndo, bailando, rodopiando, brinquei. Cantei. Ergui as mãos e recebi o céu inteiro no meu coração. Rebolei na areia, misturando-me com a água, bebendo o aroma a maresia que me preenchia cada poro. Tornei-me mar, céu, areia, sol, brisa incandescente de Ser… Desapareci no Todo imenso que ali me era oferecido livremente. O riso incontido brotou do fundo do meu ventre ao mesmo tempo que as lágrimas de avassaladora gratidão me afagaram a face e tudo ali se tornou Um.

Amo… Amor. Nada mais. Nada menos. Tudo.

Simply / Simplesmente

Simplicity is the key to freedom.


A Simplicidade é a chave para a liberdade.

T. C. Aeelah