
sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2013

A Simple Smile

A Simple Smile

Yesterday I was driving to work, merrily appreciating each moment of it, just for the pleasure of driving, of being here, of being alive, of being.
I stopped at a zebra crossing for a lady and three small children to cross the road. One of them was a little blonde girl. She must have been about 3 years old. While she was passing in front of the car she turned to face me and smiled. This was a real smile, one of those smiles that comes from the depths of the soul, filled with a joy that bubbles from the heart. One of those smiles that lights up the world and makes you glow. This was an innocent smile of pure sharing. We looked each other in the eye, smiling back at each other in such a complete event of recognition and reverence, of total respect for each other. It was like a warm welcoming embrace in which we said “I see you” just with a simple, genuine smile.
Sharing this precious smile with this precious child was a treasure in my day, for its simplicity and completeness. So remember, sometimes it takes just a simple heartfelt smile to say “thank you life, and thank you fellow human, for being here on Earth with me right now. I love you, respect you, cherish you and see you for who you really are.”
It is “Namasté” in the most meaningful way, beyond the need for words.
A smile to you J I wish you a meaningful day.

2 comentários:

  1. Oh, que lindo gesto de puro Amor partilhado – “um simples sorriso”!!! Esses lampejos de puro sorriso são acordes de Coração, cantarolando nas Asas da Alma, em deleite e encantamento total da e na Vida Plena !!! e quando acontece......OH Maravilha das Maravilhas!!!
