
sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Dealing with SADNESS

Dealing with SADNESS

As with so many other emotions, when we feel it, we tend to run away from it. From sadness, I mean.

The point is, there is nothing to run away from for if you feel it there are only two options: either it is yours, or it is someone else’s emotions you are feeling. Anyhow, if you feel it and it affects you, then, even if it’s someone else’s sadness, there is also something of it in you. Everything that pushes your buttons, even when it seems to be an outside influence, is yours. No point beating around the bush about this.

Ok. So it’s yours. Now how do you choose to deal with it? Do you choose to ignore it by trying to get distracted with other occupations? Do you choose to get carried away by it forgetting all about who it is you are in the midst of all of that sadness?

I have another suggestion. Dive into it… but don’t get lost in it. When deep sadness arises, allow yourself the time to feel it, to cry it out for as long as you need to, to feel all of its nuances and layers, to fall through these layers going deeper and deeper into it. Nevertheless, keep the notion of your firm Presence, experiencing this sadness with consciousness of it. This time stay focused, observing yourself in the midst of the sadness, but knowing you are not it. The sadness is something you are feeling, not something you are. Releasing the need to identify with it helps you stand firm, so that you can release it by diving into it, rather than getting carried away by it. You will be amazed at how much you discover about yourself by allowing this experience fully. And you will be amazed at your strength as well. The best part, though, is the speed at which it is possible to release these layers of sadness when you dive completely into them. You shall reach a point where there is no more sadness, a neutral point of utter peace. That’s when you will know that this sadness is resolved. Not temporarily. Permanently. I do not mean that you shall never feel sadness again. What I mean is that this specific kind of sadness you felt and dived into shall never come to pass again, because you have felt it, understood it and integrated it through your acceptance of it, through your compassion for you. And yes, sooner or later there shall come a point when you shall feel no more sadness. When you become fully integrated this shall happen. 100% guaranteed. Meanwhile keep on diving, allowing, feeling, staying Present.

How do you stay Present in the midst of sadness?  You breathe. Consciously. Deeply. Focusing on the space at the bottom of your belly. Your gravity centre. Your actual centre of Self. You stay there throughout the whole experience. Breathing deeply, through the nose. Allowing. Being.

The same goes for all other kinds of emotions. Don’t run away! Dive! ;)

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